Christina Wren

Christina Wren most recently released her comedy series, Hicksters, that follows a spunky Hijabi and her metro Black husband who inherit a farm in Trump country and begin their wildest adventure as the new neighbors no one could have expected.Hicksters was a Sundance Lab Finalist and was inspired by Christina’s life as the daughter of a dad from the Middle East and a mom from Iowa who then herself grew up in urban America. She is co-founder of the production company Two Kids with a Camera and has producedbranded content for clients including Travel Channel, HGTV, PBS and Discovery Digital. She produced 80 live action segments of the Emmy Award winning children's show, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood, as well as produced the feature films Moon and Sun and Rehabilitation of the Hill. She is a graduate of New York University’s Tisch Drama School and while at NYU she studied playwriting and was part of NYU’s first Hip Hop Theater course and devised production, Re/Rites. It was here she cut